About 藤瀬朱里


「ラインの解体と構築」に着目しその軌跡を捕まえることで、世界を理解するための新しい言語の構築を試みている。ドローイングを軸として制作を行う中でその概念を拡張することにも関心を持ち、リサーチャーとして国際的なコンテンポラリードローイングの研究にも携わっている。過去の個展に「静かな解体の音が聞こえる」(Gallery33、2021年)「Songs to make the dust dance on the beams」(ONA Project room、2022年)

Through capturing traces that are ubiquitous in our everyday life, she attempts to construct a new language for understanding the world.  She is also interested in expanding the concept of drawing, and is involved in international contemporary drawing studies as a researcher.  Recent solo exhibitions include “I heard the quiet dismantling sound” (Gallery33, 2021). "Songs to make the dust dance on the beams" (ONA Project room, 2022). 

2022- M.F.A., Tokyo University of the Arts
2019-2020 Camberwell College of Arts ( Drawing & Conceptual Art Practice) 
2011-2015 Keio University (Cognitive Science)

Solo Exhibition
2023.1 “Where the kiss will be tomorrow” | BLOCK HOUSE, Tokyo
2022.2 “Songs to Make the Dust Dance on the Beams" | ONA Project room, Tokyo
2021.7「静かな解体の音が聞こえる」“I heard the quiet dismantling sound” | Gallery33, Tokyo 

Group Exhibition
2023.11 “うごかしてみる!” | BUG gallery, Tokyo
2023.4 “Inherent Prosody” | 北鎌倉 宝庵 常安軒 夢窓庵
2022.7 “Signals” Drawing Tube 出版記念展 | NADiff a/p/a/r/t
2022.4 サテライト^サテライト| HOTEL ANTEROOM KYOTO
2022.1 “Mother Nature” | N/A Art SITE, Tokyo
2021.5 Drawing Tube “Signal Project” (Online exhibition)
2020.1-2 “Lunar New Year” | London
2019.3-4 “Camberwell New Art” | London 

Award / Others
2023 Contemporary Art Foundation Award (CAF) 審査員賞
2021.9-10 Art Action UK Online Residency (Online exhibition)