
JAN 2022 Full of Days (日が満ちて)

 私はコンテンポラリードローイングの考え方を軸として制作を行っている。特に見過ごされた痕跡をモチーフとして刺繍などの身体的なアプローチを通して価値の転換、崇高さ、静けさなどを探究してきた。 コンテンポラリードローイングに出会ったのはロンドンで現代アートを学び始めた 2019 年である。日本では聞き慣れない言葉であったが、その特徴とも言える身体性やマッピングなど実践的な側面と同時に、 ドローイングの哲学的な側面を学ぶ中で、両者を行き来することによるドローイングの概念の拡張に可能性を感じた。私が描くのは自己の内的な世界ではなく、環境と身体の狭間で生み出される線である。 制作においては時にレシピエントとなり、コントロールされる側に立つことで環境を取り込もうとしている。 







I create works based on the philosophy of contemporary drawing. Specifically, I explore themes such as the transformation of value, sublimity, and tranquility through physical approaches like embroidery, using overlooked traces as motifs. My encounter with contemporary drawing dates back to 2019, when I began studying contemporary art in London. The term was unfamiliar in Japan, but I found potential in expanding the concept of drawing through its defining features, such as physicality and mapping, as well as its philosophical aspects. My work does not depict my inner world but focuses on the lines generated in the space between the environment and the body.

In my creative process, I sometimes take on the role of a recipient, placing myself on the side that is controlled, seeking to embrace the environment. This residency has provided an opportunity to delve into the keyword "control." To capture the fleeting and transient traces of life that are omnipresent in daily life, I must confront the question, "To what extent do I exert control, and to what extent do I follow the environment?" With this question as my guide, I have explored new subjects and conducted experiments with methods and materials.

What, then, are traces? They might be considered our only clues to time. When we observe traces, we intuitively sense the passage of time, recognizing them as evidence of the past. However, during my first camping experience in the Sahara Desert, I encountered a profound distortion of my sense of time in an environment where my footprints were constantly being erased. In the desert, there are no traces to predict when and how the place you stand in came into existence or how long it will endure. In an environment where clues are absent, and one cannot imprint their time, the flow of time slips through your fingers like sand.

The Full of Days series draws inspiration from ephemeral traces omnipresent in urban life, such as faded road markings on sidewalks, small stones wedged between drain covers and benches, or lines of fallen leaves between streets and sidewalks. Among all the traces in the world, these are formed in the interplay between urban environments and the unconscious movements of the people inhabiting them. For instance, road markings not only serve as signs to guide movement but also represent "surfaces" that evolve with humans and nature. Through the increase in entropy, they allow people to observe the passage of time.

This work was created on a public gravel lot bustling with countless people during the full moon and left undisturbed for the same number of days it takes the moon to orbit the Earth once. The decaying system, seemingly on the verge of vanishing, resembled stardust and evoked a sense of the profundity of universal physical laws and impermanence. At the same time, the primary causes of the system’s disintegration were human footprints and occasionally passing cleaning vehicles, illustrating how human activity accelerated the surface's disintegration at an extraordinary speed.

Regarding the concept of time, Einstein demonstrated that time is not singular but varies across different spaces. Later, Boltzmann, using the concept of entropy, revealed that the difference between the past and the future arises from the "blurred vision" of humans, who cannot account for precise information at the microscopic level. While modern science unveils the non-intuitive nature of time and its possibilities, I still feel a flow of time from past to future and the sense of sharing the same time with others. Reflecting on my own blurred perception of time, I am simultaneously overwhelmed by frustration and affection for this body that embodies such limitations.

Art Action UK Online Residency

Akari Fujise